Spoilers of Dragon Ball Super Episode 101
After witnessing the immense power of Universe 11 warrior Jiren, Goku Challanges him, But instead of fighting himself Jiren sends Kahseral along with 5 other memebers of Pride troopers To Face Goku's Team.
Master Roshi this week: After being Saperated from his teammates Master Roshi resorts to using "Thunder Shock Surprise" against his opponent! He is still Very Strong.
After all Happened with kale, Universe 6's Caulifla and Kale Join forces with Goku to fight against Pride Troopers of Universe 11, Where the Leader of Pride Troopers Kahseral Shows His Moves, what suprise is waiting for us as Universe 6 and Universe 7 have already joined their power together. We’ll have to watch Dragon Ball Super episode 101 ("Here Comes the warriors of Justice! Pride Troopers!!") to find out on July 30, 2017!
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