Friday, 22 December 2017


Hey guys. I have some pretty big news for you and yes it is about the Prince of the Saiyans. Vegeta and Jiren are finally going to clash in Dragon Ball Super Episode 122. It is going to be an intense match up. If you haven’t read the spoilers for Dragon Ball Super episode 121 and Dragon Ball Super 122, I’ll fill you up on that. First off we start with the spoilers of Dragon Ball episode 121. In DBS episode 121, the entire Universe 7 is going to face off against Aniraza from Universe 3.
Aniraza is the fusion of all the warriors from Universe 3. This is universe 3’s ultimate weapon and Aniraza is holding out pretty well. He might even eliminate a few fighters from Universe 7. However, we all know that Aniraza is going to be eliminated from the Tournament of Power. So, Universe 3 is going to be erased as well. This will leave us with just two surviving Universes. As soon as Aniraza is eliminated. There will be two major fights in Dragon Ball Super episode 122. Freeza will be fighting against Dyspo from Universe 11. Universe 11 finally makes a move to catch the fighters of Universe 7 off-guard. However, the disruption does not work as Freeza steps in to stop Dyspo.
Freeza is particularly annoyed with Dyspo as it is thwarting his plans of winning the Tournament of Power and getting the Super Dragon Balls. The second fight is going to be Jiren Vs Vegeta, the one which we were waiting for. It is finally going to happen and it was confirmed in the latest spoilers. Earlier it was predicted that Vegeta will be knocked out very soon.
However this isn’t the case as Vegeta is going to go all out and the real fight is probably going to start Dragon Ball Super Episode 123. Half of the episode will be focused on Dyspo Vs Freeza and the other half is going to be focused on Jiren Vs Vegeta. That’s how it is going to be. I’m particularly excited by a possible power up for Vegeta. The most likely power up will be Ultra Instinct. Gokū already got it and right now he is way above Vegeta’s level. However, it may or may not happen. However, I’d like to keep a positive approach.
It’s going to be a really cool fight and I hope that this will be the final fight that will decide the fate of the universes. The chances aren’t that high but it won’t hurt to dream. That’s all for now.

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Item Reviewed: DBS EP. 122 SPOILER REVEALS FATE OF VEGETA Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Love DBS