Wednesday, 13 December 2017


Hey everyone! In today’s post, I would like to talk about Dragon Ball Super’s anime, its future, and the possibility of whether it might be ending soon, or not. There is a big rumor that suggests Dragon Ball Super is going to end very soon. So, I decided that I’d talk about it. Dragon Ball Super aired as a sequel to Dragon Ball Z back in 2015, and since then, it has continued to gain popularity.
Right now, I think it is safe to say that Dragon Ball Super is one of the most popular anime series in the entire world. But how long will it last? Is the Tournament of Power the last Dragon Ball Super arc that we’re getting? Let’s talk about the possibility of whether this anime is ending, or not. I’m not going to deny the possibility of Dragon Ball Super ending. It is possible that the Tournament of Power is the last Dragon Ball Super arc we get.
There is no concrete evidence for this, other than the Amazon Japan’s Blu-ray DVD Pack leak, which seems to suggest that Dragon Ball Super, or at least the Tournament of Power is ending on Episode 133. Keep in mind that previously, Goku Black’s Rose form was also leaked from Amazon Japan. Each BD Box has 11 episodes, but the last BD BOX has 13 episodes, on indicating that Dragon Ball Super might be coming to an end. But, is it really ending after the Tournament of Power?
In my opinion, no. When you look at how Dragon Ball Super is doing in the market, I don’t think you’ll be shocked to realize that it is making a ton of money. Toei Animation are happy to produce Dragon Ball Super on a weekly basis, because the money, and the buzz it generates is just too damn good.
I don’t think they’re going to let all that go to waste. There have been rumors that Dragon Ball Super could go on a break after the Tournament of Power, and then continue in 3 movies, with one airing each year, starting from 2018. Again, there is a possibility that this might happen. But, I don’t think Dragon Ball Super is going to end anytime soon. We have a lot of story arcs to wrap up, and the show is nowhere near catching up to Z’s ending.
Despite Amazon Japan’s Blu-Ray leak, I think Dragon Ball Super is here to stay. What could be possible, is that Dragon Ball Super’s Tournament of Power might end with Episode 133 of the series, which seems more or less similar to what I have in mind as to when the arc might end. We just have about 10-13 episodes left. But, I’m 100% sure that Dragon Ball Super will continue even after the Tournament of Power, and will not be ending anytime soon.

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Item Reviewed: DRAGON BALL SUPER TO END ON EPISODE 133? Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Love DBS