Hey everyone! Today I’m going to talk about a fan theory that explains how Goku might get perfect Ultra Instinct in the Tournament of Power. Now, before I begin, I wanna let you know that this is just a theory. This may, or may not happen, so it is possible that this post might also contain spoilers. Please continue only if you don’t mind being spoiled. With that out of the way, let’s begin with the post now.

Goku attained Ultra Instinct some while ago in the Tournament of Power. Ultra Instinct was actually introduced to us back in the Resurrection F arc, and Whis was the one who explained it to us. He himself is a master of this technique. Along with him, Beerus also attained this form, but we’ve seen little of him using it.

The form that Goku has attained is slightly different from the one that we’ve seen Whis of Beerus use. Goku’s current form is known as Ultra Instinct ‘Omen’, or Migatte no Gokui ‘Kizashi’. To characters like Beerus and Whis, this form is natural. Basically, they don’t need to transform into a whole new form to be able to use it. But, with Goku, things are slightly different. He needs to transform before he can use this power.

We’ve already seen that twice. Both the times, when fighting Jiren, and when fighting against Kafla, Goku had to transform into a new state in order to be able to use this power. So, Goku isn’t quite there yet. Ultra Instinct Kizashi is definitely different from Ultra Instinct, in the sense that it is just an ‘Omen’, or a ‘sign’ of the awakening of the real thing.

So when will he get the real thing? The answer to that is answered by a theory, which I believe belongs to Terez, but I’m not sure, so credits go to the owner. Anyway, the theory suggests that Krillin will be erased by Zeno during the Tournament of Power. Something might happen to 18, causing Krillin to invade the arena. However, because of that, Zeno will eventually erase him. Seeing this, Goku will finally be able to attain the perfect Ultra Instinct.

The perfect Ultra Instinct might be one with both red, and blue auras, or one with neither. We don’t know for sure yet. Also, these events sound a lot similar to the Namek arc of Dragon Ball Z, but we already know that the writers for Super like to take inspiration from Toriyama’s work. Toshio himself mentioned this fact. While this is just a theory, i won’t deny the possibility for this actually happening. Either way, the Tournament of Power is getting more exciting now, and we’ll know the result soon.
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