Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Love DBSThe Real Form Of Zeno - Explained !

Hey everyone! Today, I’m going to talk about Zeno, and his true form. Of course, this is a Fantheory, so it may or may not be the case. Don’t take it seriously. But even then, there’s a possibility that this is true. If that’s the case, I want you to know that this post has potential spoilers, so continue only if you don’t mind reading spoilers. With that, let’s begin with the post.
Zeno was introduced to us during the Tournament between Universe 6 and Universe 7. Up until that point, I don’t think anyone believed there may exist a person like Zeno. But, when we got a glimpse of his powers, I think everyone was blown away. Zeno is omnipotent, and he can do anything he wants.
He can erase a person, or even a Universe. He even erased an entire timeline of multiverses, and turned it into absolutely nothing. Such is the magnitude of his power. But, one thing that that bothers many people is the question of whether Zeno can fight or not. When you look at him, he doesn’t really look like a person who knows how to fight. This has been hinted at several occasions. He wasn’t able to see Dyspo when he fought Hit.
Later, when Goku used Ultra Instinct against Jiren, again he wasn’t able to see their movements. This clearly does suggest that Zeno is not a fighter. However, that doesn’t mean he would be helpless in a fight. Zeno has such hax abilities that he wouldn’t even need fighting skills.
However, I believe there’s a form to Zeno that we haven’t seen so far. So, in appearance, Zeno looks like this cute creature who can destroy anything. But, what if there is another level to his powers as well. When you look at Dragon Ball as a series, characters always seem to have forms up their sleeves. I believe Zeno has a form as well. Or that’s far more powerful, and one that can also fight.
But then, one would ask the question why would Zeno stay in the child form if he’s stronger, and better in the other form. The answer to that is, in order to save energy. Freeza used a similar technique, and until he needed to utilize more energy, he didn’t feel like there was need to transform. Similarly, Zeno could be doing the same thing, and with each transformation, his powers would increase and so would his fighting prowess. At the end of the day, it is just a theory, and something that I think is worth pondering upon.

The Real Form Of Zeno - Explained !
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