Hello Everyone. I suppose you have read the spoilers that came out yesterday. This has been happening ever since Frieza came back, hasn’t it? Situations have been arising when we are made to think that Frieza will defy Universe 7 to get himself resurrected and follow some master plan of his.

Oh, I forgot to mention one thing. For those of you who haven’t read the latest spoilers for whatsoever reasons, let me tell you what’s gonna happen or rather what the spoilers say. The spoilers say that Frieza will propose an offer to Universe 11’s warrior Dyspo that he will stop attacking Universe 11 if Dyspo promises to revive Frieza by using the Super Dragon Balls.

Doesn’t that seem a little impossible to you? I mean why would a Universe team filled with Justice-loving people agree or even listen to an offer like that? Who would agree to resurrect an evil soul like Frieza just to gain his cooperation now and then get their own People killed by him?

I think that even Frieza knows that his offer is ridiculous. He has been observing everyone ever since the Tournament of Power started and he may know it by now that no one from Universe 11 will ever agree to revive him and even if they do, then it’ll be a lie to gain his favor till the Tournament os Power ends. So why even bother asking? Why is Frieza even asking Dyspo to do so? What is he actually trying to accomplish?

It’s rather simple, you know. It’s a little bit similar to what Frieza did to Frost from Universe 6. It looks like Frieza is unable to keep up with Universe 11’s Dyspo’s speed as he’s the fastest warrior in all Universes (at least that’s what Dyspo claims himself to be) and it is obvious that he’ll stop for talking with Frieza.

So, Frieza is trying to catch Dyspo off-guard by giving him a ridiculous offer like that one. Moreover, to support my hypothesis I’ll refer to the spoiler that says Toppo will become angry and unleash some new power. I mean, why would that fatass become angry in the first place? The reason is Dyspo’s drop out of the stage. Makes sense, doesn’t it?

Anyways, that’s all for today. Thank you for reading my blog.
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