Tuesday 1 May 2018

New Characters, New Planet?! Dragon Ball Super Movie Timeline Revealed!

Hey guys! How’s it going on? I know you all must be missing on Goku and the co along with all the action. Well, recently Avengers Infinity War was released and it was really good. So if you’re free / bored, you should go check out that movie even if you haven’t seen any marvel movie before. The excitement in the theater would be enough for a good time.

Well, moving on, we have some new fresh updates from the official Dragon Ball Super twitter and their official site. As the first in a new series of interviews about the movie from a new series titled “Dragon Ball Movie: Front Line,” which will feature new info and staff interviews on the film’s official website (thanks to translations provided by Twitter user @Herms98).

Dragon Room chief Akio Iyoku dished more about what fans can expect from the Dragon Ball Super movie’s story. According to Iyoku, the Dragon Ball Super movie will have a “multilayered” story with “parts set in both the past and present” with multiple settings. Multi layered has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? I’m pretty excited for it now!

As for what Toriyama provided for the film, he created the film’s story, 20 sheets of character and machine designs and “at least” one new planet. “At least” is very vague but now we know that we’re going to get a new planet from the past most probably. I think that’s the icy tundra region we were shown in the trailer.

The tidbit about the past and present settings is an interesting one as it could mean a flashback in between present day scenes, especially if one of the new characters was frozen over and finally thawed, and also gives clues as to how the film might tackle previously revealed story beats. It’s pretty smart.

The stories like the “origins of Goku’s power,” Freeza’s relationship with the Saiyans, and potentially the story of the very first Super Saiyan. Also since the film has already confirmed it will take place right after the Tournament of Power, that means time travel and even other universes are on the table as well. Too many possibilities.

This story could go any number of ways, but it aims to tell a story of the past and present when it premieres in Japan this December. In the interview, they really hyped up the movie – “However, I think that the movie of this time wants to go even further along the flow of a new theater version “Dragon Ball Z Battle of Gods” and “- Resurrection ‘F’.
I think that everyone’s expectations are also rising with the expansion of the world view further with the TV anime “Dragon Ball Super”. So, as far as movies are going to go beyond the TV anime “Dragon Ball Super” too, it is going to be more interesting, so please expect more than ever. I definitely think that it will be worthy of your expectations. “

Another question was – “Saiyan is the theme, but what kind of story will it be? Tell readers please!”
Ino: “Well, it is still a secret … only a little. As the story of the Saiyan people it is necessary to look back on history. There was such a thing in the past, a past episode comes out. It is not a monotonous movie.

It doesn’t keep track of one story but it has a current story, there is also a story of the past, there is also a stage change, which is a considerable scale feeling. I think that it is becoming a magnificent “space opera”. There are also multi-layered parts, so I think that various characters will be able to enjoy and watch as many times as you want, with all of your thoughts on board.”

So there you have it guys. The movie is going to be epic and I really just can’t wait. I don’t think it’s gonna contain Ultra Instinct and would maybe focus more on the original Saiyan power and the prophecy Beerus saw at first. Maybe it could be a villainous Yamoshi or something. We are still unaware of which timeline are they gonna access.

New Characters, New Planet?! Dragon Ball Super Movie Timeline Revealed!
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