Hey guys. Dragon Ball Super manga and anime like two entirely different worlds. Fans are sometimes confused what to focus on the manga or the anime. As of now the fans mostly prefer to watch the anime instead of reading the manga. However in fact it should be the opposite as Dragon Ball Super is better than the anime. So, today I give you five reasons why the manga is better than the anime.
1. Future Trunks Saga—
1. Future Trunks Saga—

Who can forget the ending of the Future Trunks saga in the anime. It is not something great just about average, which is in fact a huge let down considering the quality of the arc. It was really fun arc but the ending was seriously disappointing. Trunks finished off the major antagonist with his spirit bomb. Zamasu turning into an evil cloud (apparently that’s a thing) didn’t help either. The manga is different as the battle is turned into strategy to allow Zamasu’s limited time fusion to run out. Vegito also makes an appearance and he is much more powerful than the fused Zamasu. Also, Zamasu turned himself into an army, unlike a cloud in the anime.
2. The Gods of Destruction & the Tournament of Power—

In DBS anime, an exhibition match was held between Universe 7 and Universe 9, so that Zeno could see what a martial arts tournament is like. The fights were interesting however they had very little or no significance at all. In the manga however, instead of the fighters, the Gods of Destruction put their power on exhibition. This fight was much better and it allowed us with a significant piece of information about Beerus and why did the other Gods hate him.
3. Almost A Completely Different Jiren—
3. Almost A Completely Different Jiren—

The entire Dragon Ball Super fandom is crazy over Jiren. Ever since he has showed his Godlike powers, he has become a fan favourite. In the anime, it looks like he has been just thrown in to kill time. However in the manga, his true personality is shown. He is a firm believer in justice and he will do everything in his power to protect the innocent. Even his wish has been revealed in the manga.
4. Transformation Is Far More Simpler—

Transformations and Dragon Ball go hand in hand with eachother. In DBS anime, there are some amazing transformations, it isn’t a bad thing or anything. But, getting too many transformations ruins the fun. In the manga, the Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken transformation doesn’t exist. Also, Vegeta gained access to the Super Saiyan God transformation and this answered the long-standing question of how he was able to use the Super Saiyan Blue form.
5. Some Things Never Change—
5. Some Things Never Change—

Ever since the Dragon Ball franchise began, GokÅ« has been stealing techniques and using them as if they were his own. In the Dragon Ball manga, he still takes the technique of other people. He used Beerus’ Destruction, which was originally assumed that it can only used by the Gods of Destruction. However used the technique, and showed us that he still has a lot to give us.
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