The Angels are one of the strongest being in the world of Dragon Ball. They possess tremendous powers, that surpass even those of the Gods! They are beings who are said to be even stronger than Gods of Destruction, and they possess power nobody has ever gotten close to achieving. We’ve not seen much of the angels when it comes to powers, but Whis has clearly shown us that even Beerus, who is considered to be one of the strongest God of Destruction, cannot stand up to him.

So for Goku, and Jiren, it is nearly impossible to compete with the angels, even though they’re very powerful. In Dragon Ball Z’s Battle of Gods, we were Introduced to Whis, and at that time Whis’ powers didn’t seem to be much of a concern really.

Soon, we found out that Whis was actually a guide, and s mentor to Beerus, and we got an idea of just how powerful he must be. Then came Champa, and we were introduced to Universe 6. We saw that Whis had a sister as well, and in the Dragon Ball Super manga it has been confirmed that all the angels of various Universes are actually siblings. Toyotaro, who is the creator of the Dragon Ball Super manga, has just drawn two new Angels.

Now, this must be interesting for some of you because it opens up a possibility of one of the earlier erased Universes to return, but before you jump to conclusions, Toyotaro confirmed that it was just a sketch. It was a doodle, that he later uploaded to Twitter saying, “Doodling Angels. There aren’t any Angels like this.”

He just had some time on his hands, and decided to draw a couple of Angels. A couple of days ago, he also drew three Kaioshin, at that time, many believed that they might have some relevance to the show. But, turns out, that wasn’t the case, as they were just doodles as well. I wanted to share it with you guys, so you can have a look at what he drew.

The appearance of these Angels certainly does look nice. I wouldn’t mind if they actually had to appear in the story. Who knows, maybe in the future, we might see a better version of an Angel based off of either one of these. The fact that they’re just doodles and nothing more disappointed many fans, but we have so many angels about whom we don’t know anything. So, let’s just hope we find out a bit more about them first.
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