Hey guys! In this post, I’m going to talk about the recent spoilers for Dragon Ball Super which came out a couple of days ago. Before I begin, I want to let you guys know that this post will contain official spoilers up to episode 125 of Dragon Ball Super, so if you don’t like reading spoilers, then I suggest you stop reading. But, if you don’t mind being spoiled, then let’s continue. Dragon Ball Super Episode 121’s ending set up the finale we’ve all been waiting for since a long time.

I’m talking about Universe 7 vs Universe 11. Pretty much everyone guessed that this would be the finale of the Tournament of Power, and seems like it’s happening. Spoilers for Episode 122 revealed that the fight has officially begun. Goku, and Vegeta are both fighting against Jiren, but then Vegeta tries to take him on all alone.

All the fans have been waiting for Vegeta vs Jiren, and from the preview it looked like Vegeta was actually doing a good job. We saw him punch Jiren, and kick him too. Everyone was happy at seeing that. I think people were actually excited to see Jiren take a beating. But, if you thought he would be able to pull of a victory, then you’re wrong. Vegeta is actually the one being beaten here.

According to the spoilers translated by @Herms98 on Twitter, Vegeta loses to Jiren without even putting up a decent fight. This has triggered a lot of fans in the fandom. Don’t get me wrong. Vegeta shouldn’t have been able to beat Jiren, because they would be impossible the way he is now. But, in my opinion, he should at least give him a decent fight.

We saw Goku getting crushed as well, but he did manage to awaken Ultra Instinct soon after, and then they were pretty much even at that point in time. Why should Vegeta be treated any different? When you think about it, Ultra Instinct was taught to both Goku and Vegeta by Whis. Vegeta has trained with Whis longer than Goku. So, if Goku was able to awaken it, I don’t see why Vegeta is not able to do the same. It’s not like Goku is the only prodigy in Dragon Ball. Vegeta is said to be a genius as well.

Vegeta did train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, so that should at least give him some power. But the way the spoilers describe the things that are happening, Vegeta gets absolutely crushed without posing any level of threat whatsoever. In fact, after Vegeta, Goku powers up and behind fighting Jiren again, when just two minutes ago, he didn’t have any energy left. It seems like to Goku, the concept of tiredness doesn’t apply. Goku has always been stronger than Vegeta, and that’s okay. But, I would like to see the series make better sense instead of the fans service they do with Goku.
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