Hello there everyone. I wanna ask you a question first. Are you all hyped to see the first dragon ball super episode of 2018 featuring a fight between none other than the Prince of all Saiyans i.e. Vegeta and Big Daddy Jiren? Well I for one, am certainly very hyped to watch that fight.

It’ll be like a New Year’s Present for a die-hard Dragon Ball Fan like me. But what if I tell you that there’s more to the upcoming episode i.e. the first episode of 2018? Well, what I’m saying is that Prince of Saiyans vs the Big Daddy Jiren the Grey is not the only thing to be hyped about.

There’s more to the upcoming episode. The upcoming episode will not only feature Vegeta fighting with Jiren but it’ll be featuring Goku and Vegeta fighting together against the Big Daddy Jiren together. So there’s gonna be a whole lot of fighting along with a whole lot of humor and a great partnership.

What’s more, we will get to see Vegeta actually land some blows on the Big Daddy Jiren without using any special techniques like the Ultra Instinct and Kaioken. How will he do it? That I will answer on my next blog. But for now, let’s talk about the upcoming episode’s most interesting things.

I’ll simply go on and say this – Goku and Vegeta vs Big Daddy Jiren isn’t the only fight to be hyped about. Yes, you read it right. Goku and Vegeta vs Jiren isn’t the only good thing about the upcoming episode. There will be a full showdown between Universe 7 and Universe 11.

So it’ll be a 5 vs 3 matches. Universe 7 may have an advantage of numbers but Universe 11 has all super powerful warriors left who still have a lot of stamina and can fight to their full strengths. On the other hand, the warriors of Universe 7 are all tired except Frieza.

Another thing to be hyped about in the upcoming episode is the newest fighting tag team i.e. Gohan and Android 17. Both of them have never fought against any opponent side by side, so it’ll be their first time fighting together. They’ll be seen fighting together against the Leader of Pride Troopers of Universe 11 and that is none other than Toppo.

Seriously that guy has been irritating me ever since he appeared on the screen. It’ll be good to watch Android 17 fighting using pure rage that built up because of Android 18 dropping out. The last and the best thing to watch out for will be Frieza vs Dyspo. Seriously, it’ll be a bliss to watch Frieza fighting someone after a long time.

Dyspo will get beaten badly by Frieza. Frieza has been saving up strength ever since the Tournament of Power started. So, it’ll be good to see him unleashing that strength against an opponent with a big mouth.
Well, That’s all for today, Thanks for reading.
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