Goku’s son is the total opposite of him, Gohan is smart and doesn’t want to battle when not necessary. As a result, while Goku is quick to think during a battle, Gohan is very different. He is more efficient working with other teammates rather than working alone. He values teamwork more than sheer strength. Because of this, he cares more about his teammates’ welfare than winning the battle.

That is why when given an option, Gohan will surely save an ally than deal the finishing blow. While it is a charming and noble character of a great leader, Tournament of Power might not be the right place for it. The Tournament of power works in a way that you need to remove threats while you can before they get you or your allies.

Toppo is not just a bearded fat man who likes to do some awkward poses. He is, unfortunately, also a candidate for God of Destruction. And we all know that a candidate for a God of Destruction is not just a normal mortal. Maybe Toppo is not at Jiren’s level, but he is still on Vegeta and Goku’s SSB level.

According to spoilers, episode 123 will feature Android 17’s sacrifice to eliminate Toppo out. The android incapacitates Toppo and commanded Gohan to eliminate the pride trooper with him. Gohan hesitates because he can’t carry the burden of attacking Android 17, his own ally (Frieza is a different case). This moment of hesitation was proven to be a missed chance and Gohan will be forced to fight Toppo on his own.

Nobody still knows what would happen to Android 17 but it is a safe bet that he was eliminated by Toppo after failed attempt of restricting him. But he has done his share and more in the Tournament of Power. He appeared in crucial times and helped. Now it is up to Gohan to show his strength and whole potential.

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