Hey guys. Dragon Ball Super is moving towards to the finale of the Tournament of Power. The Tournament of Power seems to have been going on for quite some time now. But now we are down to the final two universes in the Tournament of Power. Dragon Ball Super 122 attracted a lot of attention from the fans as this was the episode in which Vegeta and Jiren fought each other.

Vegeta arguably had his best moment in the Tournament of Power. The Saiyan Prince had challenged Jiren after Universe 3’s elimination. Jiren mocked Vegeta’s pride and Vegeta wasn’t going to let it pass. Despite losing the battle, Vegeta had a great moment of his own.

However, the keen-eyed fans found something that resembles something from the good ol’ Dragon Ball Z. It was actually a Yamaha moment from Dragon Ball Z. It was pointed out on Twitter by the user @SilentTakedown. Thanks to the efforts of the user, Vegeta was humiliated even further. Here is the tweet—
who wore it better

who wore it better

Crushed (@silenttakedown)January 7, 2018
If you don’t remember this Yamcha moment, then allow me to help you out. In this photo, was killed. It was during the first invasion of Nappa and Vegeta. Yamcha was killed by the Saibaman. Nonetheless it admirable to see that Vegeta was able to land a few hits.
If you don’t remember this Yamcha moment, then allow me to help you out. In this photo, was killed. It was during the first invasion of Nappa and Vegeta. Yamcha was killed by the Saibaman. Nonetheless it admirable to see that Vegeta was able to land a few hits.

However, the fight ended as we all had expected. Vegeta tried his best against Jiren, but at the end of the episode, all the efforts seemed to be vain. Just at the end of the episode, Vegeta was left in a giant crater. So, the reference is a jab at Vegeta. Vegeta was left in a large crater after Jiren trapped him in an explosive ball of energy. Yamcha’s death actually proved to be vital to the Saiyan arc. The Saibaman had to blow itself up along with Yamcha. The same holds true in terms of Vegeta vs Jiren.

Jiren’s power is absolute now. He has defeated almost all the strong fighters in the series with the exception of Kefla and Aniraza. Jiren had deemed that no one except for Ultra Instinct Goku, was worthy of his time. Vegeta felt insulted by this and that is why he challenged Jiren to a bout. He wouldn’t be too happy with his decision. That’s it for me.
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