Saturday 20 January 2018

Dragon Ball Super Episode 124 Summary

A Stormy, Fierce Attack! Gohan Fights with his Back to the Wall!!


Goku and Vegeta have both powered up to face Jiren, and though so far Jiren has been unfazed by their attacks, Vegeta says that their fight is just beginning. Beerus cheers them on from the bleachers, saying that Universe 7 can’t win unless the two defeat Jiren. The duo push Jiren back with a series of coordinated attacks, finishing with a Kamehameha and Final Flash. Though Jiren takes these attacks head-on, he emerges seemingly undamaged.

Seeing that Jiren is raising his game, Dyspo decides to do likewise in his match against Freeza. Even Freeza thinks it’s time they stopped playing around. Though Dyspo is certainly fast, Freeza repeats Goku’s criticism from earlier, that Dyspo’s movements are too straightforward and therefore easy to predict. However, Dyspo starts moving even faster, leaving Freeza unable to follow his movements. He pummels Freeza and then uses his Circle Flash attack to finish him off. When Dyspo rushes in to knock Freeza out of bounds though, Freeza stops him with his tail.

Freeza still seems more than fine, though he says that attack did have him worried. He points out that if they continue fighting they will just wear themselves out, and even if Dyspo wins U7 will still hold the numerical advantage (which will give them the victory once time runs out). Jiren may be strong, but there is no guarantee that he will be able to defeat Goku and Vegeta within the tournament’s few remaining minutes. Freeza therefore offers Dyspo a deal: he will cooperate with U11, so long as U11 promises to resurrect him with the Super Dragon Balls once they win the tournament.

In the bleachers, Beerus is outraged to see Freeza once again being underhanded, though Kuririn and Piccolo think this might be another trick; they can’t just take what he says at face value. Regardless, Dyspo turns down the offer; he can tell that the evil Freeza simply wants to use him to ensure his own survival. Freeza responds by transforming into Golden Freeza; he now has no choice but to use his full power to defeat Dyspo. It’s time to start Round 2!

Golden Freeza tells Dyspo to come at him from any direction he wants, and Dyspo considers this a good opportunity to test out his speed. Though he lands a punch on Freeza’s face, it seems to have no effect, and Freeza is unimpressed by his power and speed. As Freeza turns the tables on Dyspo, in the bleachers Khai is shocked to see that Freeza is apparently the faster of the two. Freeza confidently announces that Dyspo is simply no match for him, but he is surprised by the ki Dyspo suddenly starts to emit.

Indeed, Dyspo increases his speed even further and begins to counterattack, regaining the upper hand. Belmod explains that this is Dyspo’s ultimate technique, his “Super Maximum High-Speed Mode”. Dyspo is now moving too fast for even the Omni-Kings to see, and though they try the slow motion replay footage on their godPads, Dyspo is still far too fast for even that to work. The Great Priest says he will have to upgrade the godPads…next time.

Dyspo continues to beat up on Freeza, knocking him closer and closer to the arena’s edge. Gohan manages to break away from his battle against Toppo and come to Freeza’s rescue, knocking Dyspo away with a kick. Freeza is surprised that Gohan of all people would save him, but for Gohan it was simply a matter of helping out a teammate. Freeza taunts Gohan that he might betray him later, but Gohan promises to ring Freeza out if he does.

Freeza decides that he and Gohan will have to face Dyspo together, and he asks Gohan not to be dead weight. Dyspo vows to knock both of them out of bounds, and while Freeza and Gohan fire volley after volley of ki blasts at him, these attacks are too slow to hit him. Gohan soon realizes that the only way for them to win is to limit the range of Dyspo’s movements; he will go create an opening to allow Freeza to cage Dyspo in. Freeza agrees to follow Gohan’s plan (he is the U7 team leader, after all). While Gohan trades blows with Dypo, Freeza surrounds the two in a cage of ki beams. Now Dyspo has nowhere to run…but the same goes for Gohan! Still, Gohan is prepared for this, and resolves to face Dyspo in a head-on battle.

With Dyspo hemmed in, he is no longer able to dodge Dyspo’s attacks, and Shin thinks Gohan can’t lose like this. Belmod likewise sees that if Dyspo tries to use his “super speed mode” inside this energy cage, he will simply hit the bars and damage himself. Freeza tells Gohan to hurry up and finish Dyspo off, since maintaining the energy cage uses up a lot of energy and his stamina can’t hold out for long. Just as Gohan goes in for a final blow, Freeza finally gives out and the cage collapses, allowing Dyspo to dodge Gohan’s attack.

Gohan doesn’t miss a beat though, and immediately grabs Dyspo from behind. Picking up on Gohan’s strategy, Freeza doesn’t hesitate to “put him out of his misery”, blasting Gohan and Dyspo with a ki attack that knocks both out of bounds. The Great Priest formally announces Gohan and Dyspo’s defeat, and Gohan apologies to his teammates as he materializes in the bleachers. Piccolo though says Gohan did well; if he had let Dyspo get away, they might never have beaten him. Goku is likewise pleased at the job his son did.

6 minutes remain in the Tournament of Power.

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Item Reviewed: Dragon Ball Super Episode 124 Summary Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Love DBS