Sunday 21 January 2018


Hey guys. Dragon Ball Super’s new episode is out. Each week seems like a countdown ever since the announcement that Dragon Ball Super will be ending in the spring of this year. It has come as a bit of shock as Dragon Ball Super was doing really well and earning enough as well. However, as it stands Dragon Ball Super will end and 131 will be its last episode. A movie is going to be released later this year, which will be a canon movie.
It will focus on the origins of the Saiyans. Everything will be overlooked by Akira Toriyama himself. So, the movie will be something looking forward. Let’s come back now. In today’s episode of Dragon Ball Super, we saw another character crossing the God of Destruction level. It was yet another Universe 11 character who achieved tremendous power. This time it was Toppo.
As we already know that he was a candidate for the position of God of Destruction. He even beat Goku in the exhibition match before the Tournament. He has been waiting for all this time to unleash his power. In DBS 124, we witnessed the elimination of Gohan and Dyspo. It was certainly a fight worth watching. Gohan used his brains to devise a strategy to eliminate Dyspo, however, the best way to ensure that Dyspo is eliminated was to restrict his movements. When it was about to fail as well, Gohan grabbed Dyspo and he was eliminated from the both of them were knocked out by Freeza. We are left with six characters in the Tournament.
Universe 7 still has the numeric advantage as they out number the Universe 11 fights 4:2. Currently as we know, Vegeta and Gokū are fighting Jiren. Android 17 and Freeza are going to fight against Toppo. I think that both of them will be eliminated by Toppo as I don’t think that they can stand up to the God of Destruction. It is going to be an interesting fight and I’m sure that it will be a fight worth remembering.
The tournament is in its last six minutes and the way I see it, Android 17 and Freeza will be eliminated so as to bring the arc to a more intense end. The final battles in the Tournament of Power will be— Vegeta vs Toppo and Goku vs Jiren. Gokū and Vegeta will leave it very late to win the Tournament of Power for Universe 7.
That’s it from me.

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Item Reviewed: WHO WILL FIGHT NEW GOD OF DESTRUCTION - REVEALED! Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Love DBS