Hey guys. I am here today with a new theory about Jiren The Gray. This theory reflects my own personal views and I hope that you will enjoy it. So first, I’d like to start with Jiren and his character. Jiren is the fighter from Universe 11. He is a member of the Pride Troopers who are directly under the control of Belmod, Universe 11’s God of Destruction.

We have very limited knowledge about Jiren and his past. Jiren’s character is rather a unique one. Normally you’d expect a person like Jiren to be arrogant and cruel. We have seen enough anime to know that. However Jiren is actually unique. He detests people who interfere with peace. Jiren is warrior of peace and he protects the innocent and the weak. To Jiren nothing is more important than protecting the people who are powerless. In the most recent episode of Dragon Ball Super, Jiren questioned Gokū why do you want to be stronger? To which Gokū replied that he just wanted to get stronger. Jiren’s answer was rather interesting. He seeks something which lies strength.

Jiren wants to become more stronger so that he could protect his universe when the need arises. It would be fair to assume that right now Jiren is above the level of God of Destruction, and according to the spoilers for the future episodes, Jiren will be powering up and thus become even more stronger. Now this raises an interesting question. When Gokū fought Jiren while he awakened Ultra Instinct, was Jiren really going all out? Was that his 100% power? Keep a note of this. Now moving forward. When Jiren and Gokū fought, Whis said that there were rumours about a man, who can’t be defeated even by a God of Destruction.

This is the second point. Now get back to the most recent episode. It was revealed that Jiren is so powerful because he always surpasses his opponents. This was the third and final point. So let’s sum it up. Jiren has fought a God of Destruction in the past, and what we know is that Jiren wasn’t defeated.

So, he was the equivalent of a God of Destruction back then. That started the rumours. Jiren ended up surpassing the Gods of Destruction as he continued to fight more and more enemies. So, this mechanism is a bit like Gokū’s. That’s it from me.
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