Hey everyone! Today, I want to talk about Dragon Ball Super Episode 126, and something interesting that’s going to happen during the episode. But of course, before I begin, I want to let you all know that this post contains spoilers. If you don’t like reading spoilers, then I don’t think you should continue. However, if you don’t mind being spoiled, let’s begin.

Episode 126 of Dragon Ball Super is going to be huge, for various reasons. This Sunday, were going to continue watching Toppo destroy Universe 7’s Freeza, and Android 17. Both of them are already in a bad shape. However, it looks like Toppo isn’t done with them yet. 17 is likely going to continue his fight against Toppo in the next episode.

Today, we received spoilers for Dragon Ball Super Episode 127 (Thanks to @KenXyro, @Herms98, @Terez27 for translations), and thanks to them, we now know that Android 17 will be heavily injured in the next episode of Dragon Ball Super. The spoilers suggest that his fight against Toppo won’t go as good as he had hoped.

However, he is still going to survive. This is probably because Vegeta is going to take on Toppo, and successfully eliminate him from the Tournament of Power. 17 will sustain some injuries, but that won’t put him out of action. It looks like he won’t last long either. I think Android 17 will be eliminated in Dragon Ball Super Episode 127.

He is going to try a life risking move in Dragon Ball Super Episode 127, when he will join the fight against Jiren. I don’t think it’ll work, and as a result, I think 17 will be eliminated in DBS Episode 127. But of course, that’s just my opinion. It’s not official, at least not yet. Vegeta is also going to survive Episode 126, as he too is fighting against Jiren in DBS 127. That just leaves us with Freeza.

Honestly, I have no idea what’ll happen to him in the next episode. It could be that he’ll be eliminated, but then if they had to eliminate him here, Episode 125 was the perfect opportunity to do so. I really think he’ll somehow survive Toppo, and make it to the very end of the Tournament of Power. It is a possibility that he’ll be eliminated along with Toppo as well, but we don’t know that for sure yet. Let’s hope more spoilers come our way so the doubt will be cleared.
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