If you haven’t heard, the year’s biggest movie just dropped, and Marvel Studios took no prisoners with the blockbuster. Avengers: Infinity War is out for the world to see, and millions have flooded theaters to see what goes down in the movie. By the film’s end, audiences around the world were left stunned by Thanos and his final act, but fans of Dragon Ball didn’t seem phased by the ordeal.
After all, it isn’t like the Infinity Gauntlet can do anything Beerus or the other Dragon Ball gods cannot.
So, this is our obligatory spoilers warning. If you have not seen Avengers: Infinity War yet, do not read below this paragraph. Major spoilers for the film lie below! We repeat: MAJOR spoilers for the movie lie below. You’ve been warned.
As you should already know, Thanos makes a big mess of things by the end of the latest Avengers film. After getting his gauntlet on the Time Stone, it doesn’t take long for him to nab the Mind Stone from Vision and make good on his homicidal vision. With a snap of his fingers, Thanos uses the Soul Stone to wipe half of the universe from existence, and many of the MCU’s top heroes are left to fade into ash.
For comic book junkies, they will know this kind of power comes from the Infinity Gauntlet and its overwhelming might. As for Dragon Ball fanatics, the display was just another example of Hakai.

If you are caught up with Dragon Ball Super, then you should know what Hakai is and why fans can’t unsee it in Avengers: Infinity War. The power is one which Gods of Destruction can use, and it gives them the ability to destroy anything. According to lore, those who are killed using Hakai do not pass on to the Other World and cease to exist entirely. All it takes is a simple tap, and ta-da! Beerus or his fellow God of Destruction can wipe out half a planet with ease, and guys like Zamasu were erased into glowing ash when they got Hakai’d out of existence.
As you can see below, fans have taken to social media to point out the intriguing connection, but there are a few differences that need to be addressed. The power of Hakai and the Soul Stone are similar, but Beerus likely is not powerful enough to erase that many people at once. However, that would be a non-issue for Zeno as the tiny god has erased multiple universes with the snap of his finger. So, Thanos would definitely want to watch out for that little dude.
Thanos with the hakai technique. Thanos for next God of destruction. #universe7 pic.twitter.com/fEVkvjl5R7
— Myron Brill Masigon (@myroners) April 29, 2018
@SavinTheBees SPOILERS:
Thanos eliminating half of the universe (and half of the Avengers) with a snap of his fingers was just the gangster way of doing the Hakai. pic.twitter.com/CdlWwskz1h
— I Am The Avengers (@SpadesEnder) April 28, 2018
Did you anime fans notice this powerful connection between the two purple powerhouses? Let me know in the comments.
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