Zen-Oh is said to be the strongest of all in the Dragon Ball Super series. However, even someone like him has guards with him. When Zeno first appeared, his guards intervened when Goku wanted to go meet Zeno. However, since Goku meant no harm the Grand Priest let him go near.
But, if Zeno is all powerful, why does he need guards? The most sensible answer would be that Zeno is just not a fighter. So, while he does have the power to destroy anything, he may not be as good combat wise. This was hinted at when he wasn’t able to see Dyspo, when he fought hit, even though Whis managed to get a glimpse.

Zeno’s guards serve a big purpose. They don’t let anyone with malice get close to Zeno. Many wonder what anyone could even do to Zeno. But, like I said, it is very much possible that Zeno can’t fight. So, maybe, just maybe, if someone takes him surprise, they can even kill him.
I’m not sure, but it is a possibility, definitely. Some also say he’s Immortal, so if is possible that nobody can even kill Zeno. So what’s the need for bodyguards if you’re really Immortal and invincible at the same time? Well, even then, there’s a need for guards.
There are many abilities that can totally make use of Zeno’s abilities, for example, Ginyu’s body switch technique. It Zeno is hit by that one, it’ll be terrible. And knowing Zeno, he probably won’t even sense malice in the attempt. He’s pretty naive. In one of the fillers of Drgon Ball Super, the superhuman water that made a clone of Vegeta, could also take advantage of Zeno.

I’m not saying it’s canon, I know it is not. I’m just putting forward the possibility that Zeno’s ability can be used against him. Zeno may even be Immortal, but he’s naive. If anyone manages to get a hold of his body, then it’s all over. To prevent the arising of such a possibility, Zeno has guards that take care of him while he does his childish acts.

Everyone has their own set of jobs when it comes to the hierarchy of the Gods. We have the Kaioshin, who are charged with creation, Gods of Destruction, who are meant to judge and destroy, the angels are meant to supervise and guide the God of Destruction, and then there’s Zeno, who can do whatever he wants to.
Possibly, Zeno’s guards also a specific role to play. While Zeno just destroys for fun, without caring or being aware of what’s happening, it is their job to protect him, because even if people cannot kill him, there are certainly those who can take advantage of him, and his powers.
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