The people of D was strong enough to beat the hell out of anyone but they were betrayed by their own people( Imo Sama's Ancestors). The People of D fought against the whole world but they lost because Some of their own people betrayed and they used the ancient weapon(Pluton) against their own peope/nation for the power .The world government and the traitor faction of D. took over the whole world and massacre the People of D. but some of them escaped and survived. They may have won the war but they witnessed the power of D and was terrified by their power So they used the weapon to Split the One Piece world into small Islands. But with the help of kozuki clan few survivors of D. curved all the event on the poneglyph and about the 3 weapon they used to use and all their secret for the future generation to take back what was their.
Roger learnt about all the secret and weapon and how to use their(D's) true power but he was out of time and 2 of the 3 weapon was yet to be born(Shirahoshi) and another weapon that is only born in among the people of D. Uranus which is Luffy who was also yet to be born. Roger told buggy and shanks about Uranus after returning from Laugh-Tale and told them to watch over him. Shanks meet Luffy and gave strawhats to Luffy and told buggy to watch over him since shanks was bussy doing other stuff as his captain ordered him to do. Buggy instantly recognised the strawhats the tried to check luffy's ability and always kept an eye on luffy. Roger also said the same think to Whitebeard but he didnot beleived anything untill the war in Marineford where luffy used conqueror haki. Whitebeard realised what roger told him was actually real so he called everyone to save luffy because the future of the world depends on him.
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