Hey everyone! Today, I’m going to talk about the next episode of Dragon Ball Super, that is Dragon Ball Super Episode 121 and an interesting return we’re going to see in the episode. Dragon Ball Super’s Tournament of Power is about to end, and we’re near the climax right now. Universe 3, Universe 7, and Universe 11 are last 3 surviving Universes as of now, but we know that after 10 minutes only 1 will remain standing. That’s right.

There are just 10 minutes in the Tournament of Power now. Universe 3 is the focus of most of the action right now, and we all know that is because they’re going to get eliminated next. Now, before I discuss the next episode of Dragon Ball Super, I want to let you all know that this post will contain heavy spoilers from the next couple of episodes.

So, please continue only if you don’t mind reading spoilers. With that in mind, let’s continue. Dragon Ball Super Episode 120 was a huge improvement on Episode 119, which was very poor. But, now we’re heading into episode 121 of Dragon Ball Super, which is going to be huge, mainly because of the introduction of a new character called Aniraza. Aniraza is likely going to be Universe 3’s trump card against Universe 7. We already saw them using Koichiarator in the previous episode, and while it was very powerful, it didn’t make much of a difference.

Hopefully Aniraza will be different, and far more powerful. But, Aniraza is not the only character who the fans are excited to see in the next episode. Super Saiyan God Goku, or as some may call it, Super Saiyan Red, is returning in the next episode of Dragon Ball Super.

This form of Goku is very much adored among the fans. Even more than Super Saiyan Blue, which is superior to Super Saiyan God in terms of power. In the preview for Dragon Ball Super Episode 121, we can see Goku fighting off against Aniraza in the Super Saiyan God state, and he’s not alone. The entirety of Universe 7 is fighting Aniraza.

By the looks of it, Aniraza is a very powerful foe, and it will take the combined effort of all the remaining Universe 7 warriors to get him out of the way. Remember, when that happens, Universe 3 will be obliterated, and Universe 7 and Universe 11 will be the last 2 Universes remaining in the Tournament of Power. We’re then going to see the showdown that everyone has been waiting for.
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