Hey guys. Dragon Ball Super’s latest episode came out yesterday and it was absolutely amazing. A lot of stuff happened in the episode. Universe 3 looked to end up in the same fashion as Universe 4. However, this time the creators didn’t disappoint us. They gave us a really good episode I must say. Universe’s 3 Robot fusion proved to be a tougher match for Universe 7. All of Universe 7’s fighters were involved in the fight including Freeza, which was a bit of surprise considering how he likes to remain away from the action. Jk. Freeza barely moved an inch.

Personally speaking, I think that Freeza has a really evil plan and he plans to use the super Dragon Balls for it. I don’t think being revived is the only thing that Freeza is chasing. He might have ulterior motives and I think that Freeza might be trying to usurp the Omni Gods themselves.

I think that Freeza might end up getting erased after the Tournament of Power. But that’s just my opinion. Swiftly moving on, we saw Gohan take the centre stage once again. This time he stood up to fight against the fused warriors from Universe 3. Gohan was having a hard time with the fused warrior. But he didn’t disappoint the fans as he showed his mettle in the fight. One person, in particular, was impressed by Gohan. This person was none other than Beerus, the God of Destruction. He was amazed by Gohan’s spirit and determination to stop the Universe 3 warrior. He capped off a spectacular performance with a Kamehameha. However, it wasn’t enough to knock out the remaining fighters from Universe 3. Beerus might just have hinted that Gohan still has potential and he will probably play a crucial part in the upcoming arcs in Dragon Ball Super. As we all know that Gohan has taken a tumble. It was really nice to see Gohan getting screentime. I’m sure that Gohan fans would have really enjoyed it.

In the next episode, Aniraza will finally be unleashed on Universe 7. There is speculation that Gohan might be eliminated in the next episode as Aniraza will be too much for him to handle. It may or may not be true. However, I do think that someone from Universe 7 might end up getting eliminated in the next episode.

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