Hey guys. Dragon Ball Super 123 is out and you can watch it. Let me start off by saying that episode was of the highest quality and it certainly didn’t disappoint the fans after raising the expectations in the last few episodes. Fans are rating the episode quite highly. Everything from the story to the animation was top notch. There aren’t many episodes which could match Dragon Ball Super 123.

So, in today’s episode, Vegeta was going to reveal his true power and that would have aided Son Gokū in their fight against Jiren The Gray. However, the fans had to wait for a long time to finally see Vegeta using his new form. I think it was in the last 3 mins of the episode. Towards the end of the episode, Gokū and Vegeta launched a full scale attack against Jiren. Although they don’t have any coordination it seems to be working somehow.

Anyway, I’d like you to roll back a few minutes before they start fighting Jiren. Before Vegeta joined in with his newly acquired power. Jiren was beating Gokū. He gave him a proper beating. Jiren increased his power even further and he is close to maximum power. His stunning power left the Universe 7 members in total awe. However, Belmod and Kai revealed that this is just a hint of Jiren’s real power. I mean they can’t be serious.

That punch would be enough to exterminate even the strongest of the warriors. But to Jiren, it’s just a normal, everyday punch. Dragon Ball Super have really outdone themselves with the creation of this beast called Jiren. I don’t really have a problem with Jiren. In fact, I believe that Jiren should win the ToP. He is unique character who has a very good reason to win the Tournament of Power. However, I think that if Universe 7 has to win the Tournament of Power, they will have to bring out Jiren’s weakness soon. Maybe his weakness could be not being able to concentrate or he won’t have enough stamina to fight for prolonged periods of time.

In short, Ultra Instinct, Vegeta’s New Limit Breaker and Super Saiyan Blue are nothing more than time pass for Jiren. Don’t know how Jiren will be defeated but, personally speaking, I certainly don’t want Jiren to be defeated in a disrespectful way. However, one thing is for sure that Jiren will go down in our hearts as one of the all time greats of the Dragon Ball Franchise.
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