Since it’s nearly a month ever since Dragon Ball Super ended? We recently got some minor updates on the Dragon Ball Super movie but that’s it. Nothing on the TV series for now but surely we will get some updates. Well, today we’re here for something else!
Sometimes, it is hard to take Frieza seriously when he starts talking about his forms. The villain had lots of fun jerking fans around about his power levels back in the day, and Dragon Ball Z appeared to max out his powers when Frieza reached his final form. However, Dragon Ball Super chose to shake things up. Seriously!

Dragon Ball Super shook things up by giving Frieza yet another form, and the series’ creator wants everyone to know how he thought up the boost. It is one of the original design works of the creator Akira Toriyama himself. Recently, one of Dragon Ball’s archives updated and shared some intriguing art with fans.
The site, which is called The Nearly Complete Works of Toriyama, shared the artist’s designs of Golden Frieza from Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’ with fans. The upload showed off the baddie’s shiny form, and it made sure to include a comment by Toriyama about the transformation. Remember all the craze when the trailer came out?
According to translators, Akira Toriyama said he chose to make the Golden Frieza form because he could not find a way to simplify the guy’s final form anymore. Well, if you take a look at it, there’s nothing else you can downgrade on his final form. He’s like.. just bare naked if you want to put it like that. Kind of creepy, eh?

Herms98 on twitter translated the comments by Akira Toriyama and it goes like this – “I couldn’t make his form any simpler, so instead I mainly just changed his color,” the artist explained. “Gold felt like the strongest, I guess because I associate it with Gold Medals.” So, there you have it. It wasn’t really that complex!

When Toriyama realized Frieza was due for another power-up, he realized he could not do away with the sleek form he gave the villain awhile back. However, Toriyama could give it a color change, so that is what the creator went with. Of course, this is not the only time Toriyama has used color shifts to bring about new transformation.
For a long time, the Super Saiyan power-ups just changed hair length, but Dragon Ball Super introduced new hair colors. Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan Blue, and other forms like Ultra Instinct gave Goku boosted power and a dye job. So, fans can only expect what kind of color Freeza will take on next. Maybe something satanic?

That’s it for today. Well guys, we just have around 8 months left for the Dragon Ball Super movie to release out in Japanese. We will have the subbed version pretty soon but it’s going to be epic!
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