Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Love DBSNo One Seems To Notice One Thing About Goku

Hey guys! How’s it going on?! I know it’s barely been a month since Dragon Ball Super got over but it feels like eternity. Don’t you think the same? I used to keep on checking for new Dragon Ball Super episodes, that by some chance they are just joking and they will air a new episode or something. Well, that’s not the case.

Goku might be considered as the most talented Martial Artist in the whole Dragon Ball multiverse. Not only because he got the smarts while in a battle. In addition to his high power level, Goku has a wide variety of attacks that he can use in so many different ways. Heck, he even tried doing Kamehameha with his feet when he was still unable to fly.
Image result for goku kamehameha feet
What’s bothersome about this is that in all of his techniques, he never really own any of his techniques. His famous Kamehameha is a technique invented by Master Roshi, which Goku had improved over the years. The Spirit Bomb was taught to him by King Kai. The Destructo Disc, which he used magnificently in the last episode was Krillin’s product using his own sweat and blood.
Image result for jan ken pon goku
Even the Jan Ken, which used to be Goku’s special move, was Grandpa Gohan’s own invention. Of course, reinventing the wheel is harder than learning how to use it efficiently. Goku might be more of the guy who finds other uses for the wheel, but it doesn’t mean that he is not great. He can actually use the techniques that he borrowed more efficiently than that of the inventor.
Just like the Destructo Disc Hexa Blade that he used against Jiren last time. Even Krillin is so proud that his technique was used in such a great way. The interesting part of this that I can think of right now is, will Goku try and borrow one of Vegeta’s moves? They shared some of their moves before, like the Final Kamehameha against the Trio de Dangers. Goku can become fancy sometimes too, and what better way can he do it than doing Vegeta’s fancy moves?
Goku’s NEW HIDDEN Technique You MISSED! Dragon Ball Super : Dragon Ball Super Episode 130 episode revealed a hidden move Goku used against Jiren during the Ultra Instinct Goku vs Jiren finale. Animated by Naotoshi Shida, as Goku was pissed at Jiren and jumped towards him, Jiren sent multiple ki attacks towards Goku.
Goku appeared to be flying as he dodges, but if you re-watch the fight scene frame by frame, you will see Goku was using mini Kamehameha balls below his feet to slide over Jiren’s attacks.
This is similar to Dragon Ball Super Episode 116 as Goku used it against Kefla for his final Kamehameha.
I also noticed this move was foreshadowed in the opening as Goku creates a ki/Kamehameha ball and manipulates it at will.
Dragon Ball Super Episode 130 Director/Storyboard artist, Ryota Nakamura, probably came up with the idea.

No One Seems To Notice One Thing About Goku
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Item Reviewed: No One Seems To Notice One Thing About Goku Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Love DBS