Dragon Ball Super Episode 119 is just a couple of days away, and the Tournament of Power is nearing its conclusion at a faster pace than any of us expected, really. In the previous episode, we saw two more Universes getting erased, which were Universe 2, and Universe 6.

Their erasure means that there are only 4 more Universes left in the Tournament of Power now, which are Universe 3, Universe 4, Universe 7, and Universe 11. The next episode of Dragon Ball Super is going to focus on Universe 4, and they’ll finally begin their attack. Now, before I discuss any more than this, I wanna let you all know that from here on, this post will contain heavy spoilers. So, if you’re not okay with that, I suggest you stop reading. If you don’t mind a couple of spoilers, then let’s continue.

Episode 119 is going to be a very important one, and will be focused solely on Universe 4, and their strengths. They will give everyone a very hard time, and even Gohan, and Vegeta will be almost eliminated. However, thankfully, we’re not gonna lose them just yet. We are going to see one member from Universe 7 get eliminated though, and that’s Piccolo. Piccolo has been one of those who received some hype last week, but it looks like he’s not gonna be able to build on that.

He’s going to get eliminated next. Universe 4’s threat doesn’t seem to extend beyond that, really. It looks like all they do manage is to knock out Piccolo. Episode 120 of Dragon Ball Super confirms that Universe 4’s Damom and Gamisaras are indeed defeated.

This means that Universe 4 is the next that is going to be erased, and that makes the Tournament of Power even more interesting. We’ll have just three Universes remaining in the Tournament of Power after Episode 120. Universe 3 is going to make their move in Episode 120 of Dragon Ball Super as well. According to the spoilers, Gohan will yet again play a key role in Episode 120, in the fight against the Robots from Universe 3.

The preview image for Dragon Ball Super Episode 120 has leaked, and it confirms that Gohan is indeed the focus of the fight against the Universe 3 fighters. Ultimately, we know they’re going to fuse, and then it’ll be an all out Universe 7 vs Universe 3 battle. Obviously, Universe 3 is going to lose, and get erased. So, that’ll leave us with Universe 7 and Universe 11 as the last two remaining in the Tournament of Power.
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