Friday, 11 May 2018

Love DBSDragon Ball Reveals Strongest Mortal Ever !!

Hey guys! How’s it going on?! I know it’s barely been a month since Dragon Ball Super got over but it feels like eternity. Don’t you think the same? I used to keep on checking for new Dragon Ball Super episodes, that by some chance they are just joking and they will air a new episode or something. Well, that’s not the case.

Even as Dragon Ball Super has concluded its Japanese and English Sub series runs, the show’s big power-up from the final “Tournament of Power” arc is slowly growing into the next iconic piece of Dragon Ball. Yes, we’re talking about Ultra Instinct here. We always knew it would be the only thing we will talk about.

Recently, we got some new info related to Ultra Instinct. Take a look at some new promotional artwork of Goku in his complete Ultra Instinct form! This promotion is from the Dragon Ball Heroes / Dokkan Battle game which shows some of his stats like HP, ATK and DEF. HP is like stamina, ATK obviously attack power and DEF is like maybe your toughness?

Well, obviously, it’s just a game but let me tell you that these numbers are not just ‘random’. All the stuff released in the terms of Dragon Ball Heroes / Dokkan Battle is to be taken as ‘proof’. Obviously, these are not power levels but they are just a rough estimate about how powerful one is. Ultra Instinct is not invincible. Mind that.

On that note, not only Goku’s Ultra Instinct card was released but Vegeta’s new form’s updated card was also released. You might be shocked about how close Vegeta’s limit breaker form – Super Saiyan Blue Evolution is to Mastered Ultra Instinct Goku. If Vegeta gets any stronger then he might just surpass Goku and keep it that way for a while.

Indeed, Goku and Vegeta’s new respective limit breaks were exciting parts of the Tournament of Power finale – even if they were arguably frivolous, and didn’t really add anything crucial to how the Tournament ended, other than wearing Jiren down by certain degrees, before Frieza, Android 17, and Goku took down Jiren for good.

The animation around both Ultra Instinct and SSB2 were some of the most gorgeous moment in the entire Dragon Ball Super series. It’s one reason why both power-ups are already becoming so iconic within the fandom; as we move into this upcoming Dragon Ball Super movie, fans are wondering how it will develop. It will be good, no doubt about it!

Well, now I would reveal the character which is supposed to be shown stronger than both Ultra Instinct Goku and Super Saiyan Blue Evolution Vegeta. No it is not some god of destruction, not Jiren, not any angel. Still, can’t guess it? Just think a bit more, the answer was there in the pictures above only. You missed out a detail.

It’s Super Saiyan Blue VEGITO! No, don’t get angry or call me crazy. You all must be shouting at me or something but dude, do you think I am so stupid to write all this for you without any backing? Some people are gonna say, you can’t compare Vegito and Ultra Instinct Goku. Mastered Ultra Instinct is the strongest, etc..

Well, why don’t you guys see the images above which were officially released with the character stats. In two of those pics you will see there is a third character with a fairly high number next to it. Now you will ask, what number is that? What does it mean? That number corresponds to the ATK of that character.

Surprised? Well, it’s true that we can’t really compare the two but see it with your own eyes. Mastered Ultra Instinct Goku has an Attack Power of 16654 while Super Saiyan Blue Evolution Vegeta has 15052 Attack Power. Now, this seems pretty plausible right? Vegeta was strong but not strong enough to defeat Jiren.

Jiren could be somewhere near 16000 I guess, I think it 16050 if I remember correctly, I am not sure. Even then, Super Saiyan Blue Vegito is at a whopping 19490 ATTACK POWER. That’s so much more than Mastered Ultra Instinct Goku. Well, keeping in fact Vegito could keep the Super Saiyan Blue form for just 5 minutes, it’s pretty plausible.

Well, the same case was for Kefla, her raw attack power was way above Goku’s imperfect Ultra Instinct. But for Vegito, he’s not like Kefla. He is a battle genius / prodigy, amazing instincts, has immense fighting experience, and is cocky AF. Well, that was pretty much about it, we will share some new details, once it gets out in open again!

Dragon Ball Reveals Strongest Mortal Ever !!
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Item Reviewed: Dragon Ball Reveals Strongest Mortal Ever !! Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Love DBS